Groningen says No to Genocide and Apartheid

Last wednesday Encampment Groningen (the Student Encampment in Solidarity with Gaza) organised a large demonstration in Groningen City together with Groningen for Palestine.

The Encampment (at the Harmonie) was set up a month ago to ask the Universaty in Groningen to break ties with Israeli universaties. Since 2020, the Groningen University Fund also has owned shares in Melrose Industries, an Israeli Air Force supplier.

By setting up the encampment students want to make clear that they demand the university to divest from companies like these and to break the ties with Israel. Wich is an apartheid state, as it is reported by Amnesty International in 2022.

Two days ago a U.N.-backed human rights experts say in a report that Israeli forces have committed crimes against humanity.

A week ago Israel was put to a global list of offenders that harm children.

A significant proportion of Gaza’s population is now facing catastrophic hunger and famine-like conditions.

The International Court of Justice is investigating if Israel is commiting genocide in Gaza as we speak (and many signs point in that direction).

I can go on and on with facts like these. And still the universaty refuses to listen to the students. So on wednesday it was time for a big protest march in Groningen. There were a lot of people participating. At the end of the march some protesters entered a building from the university in the Oude Boteringestraat to roll out a flag wich stated “RUG, RUG, you can’t hide! We charge you with genocide!” accompanied by some colour smoke.

The police responded by blocking the door to prevent more people to enter. And in front of the building as well as near the back entrance police used much violence. Multiple people were beaten and were injured. Inside the building a guy defended himself by using water coming out of a fire extinguisher (according to RTV Noord). But nothing was broken or damaged. The police were clearly the violent ones. And yeah if you start beating people up, people may respond by shouting or spitting.

Laleh, one of the most inspiring people in the Pro Palestine movement was beated up so bad that he became unconsious. In stead of taking him to a hospital the police dragged him in their van and put him in jail. He was denied going to a hospital for 15 hours. After he was finally released.

One could argue that you shouldn’t enter buildings to roll out a flag if you are not allowed to. But what if “normal demonstrations” have no effect? Where is the red line? Isn’t this kind of (still peacefull) demonstrating justified to at least try to make your point about an ongoing genocide, that is being supported by the University and by our govenrment? After a month of peacefull protest was being ignored? Taking in considiration the large ammount of innocent people being murderend in Gaza?

I would say it totally is! Free Palestine!

Groen Links is going to discuss how to act on the amount of police violence.



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