Groningen Tegen Racisme & Fascisme: Noise Protest

Groningen Tegen Racisme & Fascisme: Noise Protest

Groningen Tegen Racisme & Fascisme: Noise Protest

Yesterday I attended “Groningen Tegen Racisme & Fascisme: Noise Protest” – a demonstration that was being organised by IDEA (Initiative for Diversity, Empowerment & Awareness), Groningen Feminist Network, K.O.Z.P. Groningen, Internationale Socialisten Groningen, BIJ1 Grongingen, Decolonize Groningen and other anti-racist activists. 

The official event states: “As part of the International Day against Racism, we are calling all anti-racist groups and individuals in Groningen to come together and make noise in the city centre. We cannot leave the terrain of the streets to conspiracy theorists, racists, and the far-right.”

I helped organizing and made a video and a few photos.


Groningen Tegen Racisme & Fascisme: Noise Protest

Groningen Tegen Racisme & Fascisme: Noise Protest

Groningen Tegen Racisme & Fascisme: Noise Protest

Groningen Tegen Racisme & Fascisme: Noise Protest

Groningen Tegen Racisme & Fascisme: Noise Protest

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